How your money could help

Food costs double 

Worldwide food costs are soaring, as we all know, but in the world's poorest countries, there is the real possibility of people starving to death. The mid-day meal is crucial for the children.

Therefore, with help from our sister organisation, Fundraising Tanzania, we have helped provide the school with 3 month's food in store to ensure the children are fed and can learn on a full stomach. The food costs have increased by 50% from those listed here.

If you can help us with these vital costs for future need, please click on the donate button at the top of the page.

Project 2022 

*STOP PRESS* see our news page to find out more!

Help us raise funds to buy a mini-bus similar to this. We have a target of £6000 and are already half way there!

This is needed to ensure that the children can continue to attend school when the rains come and they cannot travel to school by their usual means - on foot.

There is a real danger of children dropping out if they cannot get to school.

Help us prevent this potential catastrophe by donating what you can, TODAY. Click the link at the top of the page. Thank you


This was a very worrying time for the school and their familes, as it was for us all. Here are a few pictures to give you an idea of how we were able to help. The picture below was the makeshift flow of water erected for handwashing, used before we  purchased the buckets seen below.